The Resources and Forms webpage presents the Faculty Handbook along with important information, procedures, policies, resources and forms pertaining to App State faculty and the university’s academic enterprise.
Academic Affairs Standard Operating Procedures (AASOPs)
App State’s Academic Affairs Standard Operating Procedures (AASOPs) include detailed protocols, committee processes, and essential documents for faculty governance and academic excellence. Established in consultation with the Faculty Senate, Human Resources, the Office of General Counsel and the Council of Chairs, the AASOPs Review Committee (ARC) continually enhances these procedures to ensure academic quality.
View Academic Affairs Standard Operating Procedures (AASOPs)
Faculty Handbook
App State’s Faculty Handbook provides faculty members with important information on a range of issues, including academic rights, ethical standards, professional responsibilities and workload expectations.
- Reassigned Time Leave (RTL) Timeline
- Faculty Workload Plan Timeline
- Post Tenure Review (PTR) Assistant/Associate Timeline
- Post Tenure Review (PTR) Professor Timeline
Promotion, Tenure, Reappointment, and Non-Reappointment
- InfoReady Promotion & Tenure Submission and Approval Guide (PPTX)
- APPLY for Promotion & Tenure (InfoReady- 'Promotion and Tenure AY 24-25')
- Tenure clock extensions due to COVID-19
- Example of One-Page Vita for Promotion & Tenure (PDF)
- Instructions for Recommendation Action Sheet
- Notice of Reappointment Timeline Chart 2024-25
- Summary of Recommendation Action Sheet(s) (PDF)
- Procedure for Senior Lecturer Promotions
- APT Vote Justification Forms
Travel Resources
- All international travel must be fully approved by Academic Affairs, Special Funds (if required), the Travel Office (if required), and the Provost (for locations with Level 3 or higher travel warnings) and back on the traveler’s dashboard prior to making any purchases. Please check your dashboard to ensure your travel is fully approved.
- Any of the 50 states are considered domestic travel. All other locations to include but not limited to US territories are considered international travel for the purposes of the travel policy.
- Please note that to receive reimbursement for travel, both for domestic and international travel, the traveler must have all approvals prior to departure. Reimbursement will not be made without full approval prior to departure.
- For travel to China, Russia or Venezuela with any university-owned equipment, we are now required to file an Electronic Export Information (EEI) form through the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). Please contact the Research Protections office ( immediately if you plan any travel to these 3 countries so we can ensure that the proper information is filed prior to your travels.
- International: Requesting Approval for all International Travel (updated 6/10/2024)
- Chrome River Guidance
- Chrome River FAQ and Training Materials
- Procedure for processing Prospective Faculty Travel (updated 2/8/2025)
- Controller's Travel Guidelines
Forms and Procedures
Additional forms and procedures for day-to-day operations.
- 2024-2025 AA Budget Template
- Alcohol Request Form
- Biographical Data Sheet for New Employees
- Contact Anni LeaShomb (
- Conflicts of Interest and Commitment
- Credit Toward Tenure Process
- Dean's Recommendation for Employment
- Delegation of Signature Authority Form
- Educational Online Course Materials Development Agreement
- EHRA Recruitment and Selection Forms
- Emeritus/Emerita/Emeritx Application
- Faculty Annual Performance Evaluation - Updated for 2024
- Final Grade Appeal Form
- FLAC BANNER 9 Employee Self Service
- Non-Employee Affiliate Faculty Request
- Notice of Intent to Engage in External Professional Activities for Pay
- Observer Waiver
- One-Time Pay Form - Electronic (IMPORTANT: OTP Form updated on 3/7/2025 - Page 3, OTP Form Fields, Time Sheet Org# instructions updated)
- Request Outside Work
- Tested Experience Criteria Form
Resources and Policies
Additional resources and policies for day-to-day operations.
- Academic Affairs Moving Expenses - Instructions & Checklist
- Academic Affairs Pay Schedule (Updated October 2023--valid through December 31, 2024)
- Academic Affairs Pay Schedule (Updated August 2024--valid starting January 1, 2025)
- Academic Integrity Code
- Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Syllabus Guidance
- Catalogs (Bulletins)
- Chair Duties
- Chairperson Compensation Model
- Consolidated Syllabi Policy and Statement Information Page
- Ed and Tech Fund (E&T) Spending Guidelines
- Equality Within the University of North Carolina (UNC System Policy 300.8.5)
- Faculty Start-Up Funds Spending Policy
- Final Grade Appeal Procedure
- Guidelines for Fellowships and Individual Awards
- Intellectual Property Transfer Policies and Procedures
- Office of Access and Equity: Disability Resources
- Paid Leaves of Absence for Medical or Family Reasons
- Strategic Plan
- Student Grievance and Appeal Policies and Procedures
- Student Resource Chart
- Supplemental Pay Policy
- Textbook Rental Policy
- UNC System Post Tenure Review Training
- Work Hour Equivalence Chart for Fall, Spring, and Summer