Academic Affairs Standard Operating Procedures (AASOPs)

Discover Appalachian State University's Academic Affairs Standard Operating Procedures (AASOPs), a dynamic resource for faculty governance and academic excellence. Access detailed protocols, committee processes, and essential documents for effective faculty processes. Established in consultation with the Faculty Senate, Human Resources, the Office of General Counsel and the Council of Chairs, the AASOPs Review Committee (ARC) continually enhances these procedures to ensure academic quality.

Archived AASOPs

The initial AASOPs were enacted in August 2023 by Academic Affairs in consultation with the Faculty Senate, Human Resources and Office of General Counsel. The ASSOPs Review Committee (ARC) reviews and recommends possible additions, updates, or changes to the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor.

View Archived AASOPs

AASOPs Review Committee (ARC)

The initial AASOPs were enacted in August 2023 by Academic Affairs in consultation with the Faculty Senate, Human Resources and Office of General Counsel. The ASSOPs Review Committee (ARC) reviews and recommends to the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor regarding possible additions, updates, or changes.

Committee Members 2024-2025

  • The Acting Senior Vice Provost, Jamie Parson
  • The Chair or Vice Chair of the Council of Chairs, Pennie Bagley
  • The Chair or Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate, Jacqui Bergman
  • A member of the Faculty Governance Committee (appointed by the Chair of the Faculty Senate), Jennifer Zwetsloot
  • An Associate Dean (chosen by the Senior Vice Provost in consideration of broad representation of colleges & schools), Chris Kleman
  • A representative from the Office of General Counsel, Crawford Cleveland

Meeting Dates & Deadlines for Form Submissions

Those wanting to suggest additions, changes or updates should complete the Academic Affairs Standard  Operating Procedures (AASOPs) Change Proposal Form

Change proposal forms must be received one month before the ARC Meeting.

2024-2025 ARC Meeting Dates

  • August 20, 2024
    Form submission deadline: July 20, 2024
  • November 20, 2024
    Form submission deadline: October 20, 2024
  • February 20, 2025
    Form submission deadline: January 20, 2025
  • May 20, 2025
    Form submission deadline: April 20, 2025