The Board of Governors Excellence in Teaching Awards include:
- The Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching (one award per campus)
- The Board of Governors Appalachian State University Excellence in Teaching Award (one award), and
- The Board of Governors Appalachian State University School/College Awards (maximum of five awards)
BOG Award for Excellence in Teaching
The award includes a cash award for $12,500, a citation, state-wide recognition during Spring semester in Chapel Hill, and university-wide recognition during the Fall Convocation.
Open to tenured faculty who have:
- taught a minimum of 7 years at Appalachian State University
- demonstrated excellence in, and commitment to, teaching over a sustained period of time
- are teaching in the academic year in which they are selected.
BOG rule: No faculty member will be eligible to receive this award more than once while teaching at any UNC institution.
Local clarification: In April 2006, the University Awards Committee clarified that the winner of the top level BOG Award for Excellence in Teaching must wait 5 years to be considered a nominee for the Appalachian State level awards.
BOG Appalachian State University Excellence in Teaching Award & BOG Appalachian State University School/College Awards
These awards include cash awards for $1,500 and $1000 respectively, and university-wide recognition during the Fall Convocation.
Open to all faculty (adjunct, full-time and part-time) who have:
- taught a minimum of five years at Appalachian State University
- have demonstrated excellence in, and commitment to, teaching over a period of time
- are teaching in the academic year in which they are selected.
Local rule: In April 2006, the University Awards Committee decided that a nominee may only win the Appalachian State level awards once in a 5 year period. If a nominee wins one of the Appalachian State level awards, the individual may still be nominated for the top level BOG Award for Excellence in Teaching in subsequent years.
Nominating Procedures
Nominations are typically solicted in September. A specific call for nominations will be sent out via email. Submit nominations for any of the above awards using the Nomination Form - one nominee per form. Please read the above eligibility requirements before submitting a form.
Submit the completed nomination form to the current chair by Monday, November 6, 2023 at 5pm. For questions about 2023-2024 nominations, contact: BOG Teaching Awards Chair, Dr. Trent Spaulding (
The committee screens nominations and selects several finalists. Finalists are asked to submit a portfolio for review. See the Portfolio Guidelines for details.