Optional Syllabus Statements
The following statements have been developed by campus bodies for optional inclusion in syllabi. All are continually vetted for consistency with university policy and updated. Faculty with questions about these policies should contact Academic Affairs.
Academic Freedom
Per the Academic Affairs Standard Operating Procedures, it is the policy of Appalachian State University to support and encourage within the law full freedom of inquiry, discourse, teaching, research, and publication for all members of the academic staff of this institution. Appalachian State University will not penalize or discipline members of the faculty because of the exercise of academic freedom in the lawful pursuit of their respective areas of scholarly and professional interest and responsibility.
Academic Success
Appalachian provides opportunities for students to develop, enhance and implement strategies that promote academic success. The Student Learning Center provides free tutoring for a range of academic subjects and academic skill building through Academic Success Courses and Academic Success Coaching. Academic skill building areas include time management, organization, study strategies, and note-taking. The University Writing Center is a free resource available to all App State students to assist with any stage of writing assignments.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Syllabus Guidance
During the Fall 2023 semester, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Heather Hulburt Norris formed a steering committee on artificial intelligence (AI) to study the issue in light of its rapid proliferation in business, government, higher education, and virtually all aspects of life. The committee is leading the development of recommendations for the university across the full spectrum of academic areas that could be impacted. The committee is led by Vice Provost Mark Ginn, Senior Vice Provost Neva Specht and Interim Vice Provost of Research and Innovation Christine Hendren. View document/guidance here.
Food Insecurity
Any student who has difficulty accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, is urged to contact the Dean of Students, for a list of resources and support. The Mountaineer Food Hub and Free Store is a free resource with pantry and personal care items, located in the Office of Sustainability on the bottom floor of East Hall. There are also other campus pantries in the following locations: Belk Library, College of Education, Garwood Hall, Leon Levine, and College Access and Success in DD Dougherty. Furthermore, please notify an instructor if you are comfortable in doing so. This will enable your instructor to assist you with finding the resources you may need. For more information, Click Here.
Public Sharing of Course Materials
All course materials, including video, may be subject to intellectual property protections under applicable law and regulation and are for the sole use of students enrolled in this class. Students do not have permission to copy or record materials except for personal use in the context of this class and students do not have permission to share any class materials, including videos, in any manner on any platform without the prior express permission of the faculty member teaching this course.