Sept. 19, 2023
Dear App State Faculty and Staff,
As App State continues to grow our academic enterprise, the Office of the Provost is seeking your participation in an ambitious vision to further differentiate App State from other institutions and provide students and faculty with innovative educational experiences.
We are preparing a Strategic Plan for Academic Programming for the university for the next three years. The academic programming strategic plan will guide the development of new and enhanced academic programs, as well as identify the resources and actions needed to deliver and sustain those programs, while advancing several of the priorities in App State’s Strategic Plan 2022-2027.
Alignment with Board of Governors criteria and guidelines
To develop the university’s Strategic Plan for Academic Programming, we will use a process that is aligned with the criteria and guidelines established by the Board of Governors, which include:
- Leveraging current faculty ideas, interests and expertise,
- Addressing student and market demand as well as workforce needs, and
- Evaluating new resources that would be required.
Guided by enduring principles
App State’s Strategic Plan for Academic Programming will support the university’s strategic plan and founding mission, with an emphasis on increasing access to education and maintaining the academic excellence and innovative teaching that are the hallmark of an App State education. It also will focus on:
- Preparing our students for the future;
- Meeting the needs of our faculty; and
- Ensuring that we are serving the people of North Carolina — the 9th largest state in the country with changing demographics and workforce needs.
Next steps
Dr. Neva Specht, senior vice provost of faculty policies and development, and Dr. Ashley Colquitt, associate vice provost and dean of the Graduate School, will lead the academic programming strategic planning process. They will follow up later this week to let you know how to engage in the process and share your thoughts and ideas.
Heather Hulburt Norris
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor