Update on Academic Affairs Standard Operating Procedures

Update on Academic Affairs Standard Operating Procedures

Sept. 27, 2023


Dear App State Faculty,

In 2022, we were tasked by the Board of Trustees to review and revise our Faculty Handbook for compliance with the UNC Policy Manual and Code. On June 23, 2023, the revised handbook was approved by the Board of Trustees 

In her June 23 weekly newsletter, Chancellor Everts shared this information and indicated that the Provost’s Office would continue to work with faculty and department chairs on operating procedures, training and implementation.

Since that time, my office has developed and refined the accompanying Academic Affairs Standard Operating Procedures (AASOPs) based upon our consultations with the Faculty Senate, the Office of Human Resources, the Office of General Counsel and the Council of Chairs. This work is now complete, and the Academic Affairs Standard Operating Procedures are now posted on the Academic Affairs Resources and Forms webpage.  We have a collaborative process in place for any future need for development or refinement of the Academic Affairs Standard Operating Procedures.

Nearly all of the recommendations that our faculty provided for the current faculty handbook earlier this year are reflected in either the 2023 Faculty Handbook or the Academic Affairs Standard Operating Procedures.

I sincerely appreciate the critical thinking, close collaboration and careful deliberation our faculty invested in developing those recommendations throughout this effort. I’d like to once again thank the faculty, particularly those who served on the Faculty Senate Governance Committee, for their time and expertise dedicated to this effort.


Heather Hulburt Norris
Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor


Published: Sep 28, 2023 2:17pm
