Vice Provost McKenzie's Remarks to Faculty Senate – Apr. 29, 2024

Good afternoon.

I am Mike McKenzie, Vice Provost of Academic Program Development and Strategic Initiatives, speaking today on behalf of Acting Provost Neva J. Specht.

First, I’d like to share our deepest gratitude for the current Senate administration — Chair Stella Anderson for her unwavering leadership; Vice-chair Paul Sebastian, whose cooperative spirit is invaluable; Stefan Frisch, our conscientious Parliamentarian; and Secretary Kevin Gamble, whose precision is unparalleled. As I’m sure everyone in the room agrees, your collective dedication underpins the university's endeavors.

As we look ahead to the new year, we are excited to collaborate with Professor Jacqui Bergman from the College of Business as our new Senate Chair and the incoming Faculty Senate members. The Senate's insights are crucial; vital to the university’s policymaking and the faculty’s communal dialogue as part of our shared governance model.

On the progress of Wey Hall: our trajectory holds firm toward a Summer 2025 completion. For ongoing developments, you can visit the Wey Hall Renovation page, accessible by clicking “What’s in App’s Future?” on

During this period of growth, interim arrangements will ensure that our Arts students continue to learn and thrive.

  • The Edwin Duncan Octagon is being equipped for August, with pivotal updates enhancing its utility for students returning in the fall.
  • Katherine Harper Hall's room 07 will house the Metals program, fostering potential synergies with adjacent design disciplines.
  • The Holmes Center's room 67 will house Screen Printing, supplemented by additional space in room 66 as necessary.
  • The Kiln Pad adjacent to Wey Hall is slated for an autumn unveiling, adding a new dimension to our creative landscape.
  • And finally, dialogue continues to repurpose Turchin Center's room 3200 into an active studio space.

As the university transitions to the leadership of Interim Chancellor Dr. Heather Norris and Acting Provost, Neva Specht, we recommit to transparent communication between the Office of the Provost and our faculty and will continue to uphold the tenets of shared governance as we embrace this new chapter.

The NC Board of Governors' forthcoming decision on the DEI resolution in May is at the forefront of our considerations, with our unwavering focus on student achievement — the bedrock of our mission. And we understand the potential impact to our students, faculty and staff.

We are finalizing the updated Post Tenure Review and Faculty Effectiveness policies to ensure our practices comply with the System policies and regulations. The faculty governance committee has weighed in, and the Office of General Council is also reviewing the updated drafts. Final approval will be with the Board of  Trustees. Additionally, faculty workload is under active review as we incorporate the updated policies from the System; training about the workload policy and procedures for all deans, chairs, and faculty will be available early fall semester, and we anticipate further directives from the System to inform our approach.

In less than two weeks, on May 11th, we hold Spring commencement. This year, we herald the achievements of a class whose education was tempered by unprecedented times; these students did not have the opportunity to cross the stage as high school seniors because of COVID-19. Their stride across the stage in May is more than ceremonial — it's emblematic of the indomitable spirit that carried them through tremendous adversity, and everyone here was in some way instrumental in nurturing the fortitude etched into the legacy of their academic journey.

As we gather later this afternoon  for a reception to celebrate the year we shared together, Interim Chancellor Norris will be with us to engage in conversation and to foster a stronger sense of community among us.

And finally, on behalf of Provost Specht, thank you all. Your steadfast service to our university community and unwavering commitment to the principles of shared governance exemplify the collaborative spirit that defines our institution. 

Thank you. 

Published: Apr 29, 2024 7:00pm
