Sent on behalf of Dr. Heather Hulburt Norris, Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Dear Faculty, Staff & Students,
It is hard to believe we are two months into our Fall semester. The challenges we are facing together continue, yet you rise to each one and continue to demonstrate resilience, grace and compassion for one another and the entire Appalachain Community.
Last Spring, when we were forced by this global pandemic to move to an all-virtual Commencement, we felt sure that by December, we would be able to have an in-person ceremony. We know now that is not the case. We have made the decision to make the December Commencement a virtual ceremony.
The Commencement planning team is hard at work to put the details in place, and we will share them via email, as well as at
We look forward to the time we can again come together in person to celebrate the culmination of our collective academic success with our graduates, their families and friends, and the faculty and staff who taught, supported and mentored them along the way. Until that time, please know a dedicated team of alumni, staff, students and faculty are working hard to make December Commencement a celebration to remember for many years to come.