Change in last day to drop a class

sent on behalf of Dr. Mark Ginn, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

Greetings Faculty and Staff,
The email below was sent to students this morning informing them that the last day to drop a class has been changed to Wednesday, April 21 at 11:59 PM.   This is one week before the last day of classes and roughly one month after our normally scheduled drop date. While we are giving students this extra time to decide if they need to drop a class, we hope that you will continue your great work with them to successfully complete their courses and to advise them, or point them to advisement, on the degree completion and financial aid considerations when they drop a class.  In keeping with amended UNC System policy, courses dropped this semester will not count as one of a student's four career drops. 

Let me know if you have any questions and thanks for all that you do.


Greetings Students,

Last semester when we announced the change in the drop date for Fall 2020 classes, I stated that we would be making a similar change for spring. We have decided to move the last date to drop a course for the Spring 2021 semester to Wednesday, April 21, at 11:59PM. This is one week before the last day of class and roughly one month later than the originally scheduled date.

While we are moving this date to give students more time to decide if they need to drop a class, we encourage you to work hard to avoid having to use this option. Dropping classes can affect both your time to degree and your eligibility for financial aid. Please consult with your advisor and the Office of Student Financial Aid to make sure you understand the consequences of any decision to drop a class. Better yet, take advantage of the many resources that we have available to you to help you complete your courses successfully. In addition to the opportunities provided by your faculty and departments, we have counseling, tutoring, learning labs, academic coaching, writing help, and many other resources available to you, most are free and available online for those that can't come to campus. Take a look at our Keep Learning page for more information on the resources we have available.


Mark Ginn

Mark Ginn, Ph.D.Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and
Professor of Mathematics
Academic Affairs
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608

Published: Jan 27, 2021 1:43pm
